survey response
This survey response provided lots of visuals for me, inducing feelings of golden autumnal evenings. Keeping with the same profile, I was thinking of taking a similar approach to this as the one I took with the bread illustration, envisioning the memory of bonfire night evoke by the smell and taste of chilli con carne.

compositional sketches
There were several elements that could possibly work with this piece; I began sketching out a few ideas, muddy wellies submerged in not mud but the chilli, applying the approach of visual replacement. Compositionally, I think that the preliminary sketch of the bonfire scene merged in with the pot of chilli works well by itself, if I were to add more elements like the wellies then it would look too busy, the message comes across clearly with the bonfire and fireworks, I don’t want to overcrowd the piece.

“Chilli con Bonfire” Final Piece
I enjoyed making this piece, especially with the use of the golden ink for the fireworks and the embers. It also worked really well as a golden highlight on the figures. The colour profile here screams autumn and I am confident that the message comes through strongly.