I am pleased with my final outcome for this project. I did want to produce a lot more work for my zine so although I am not happy with the quantity, I am satisfied with the quality of the work I managed to create.

For the front cover I compiled the various handwritten responses to my survey from the beginning of my project. This adds a personal touch to the final product, it also represents the personal narratives we all carry with us in our lives and how we are all full of little stories and anecdotes attached to our memories.
If i were to print this zine I would use matte uncoated paper, to give it a bit of rugged charm and character, representing times passed, memories held. The feeling of old memories, archival footage.
I hope that my web mock-up accurately portrays my intentions.
Below is the flip-book I've created for this project.
I think that the zine flows well as a whole despite each spread being a completely different personal narrative. The addition of photography really carried the zine forward and helped it take form. The photos are from my own personal archive, some shot on my DSLR and some on my 35mm film camera. I edited them into a duo tone format to set a vintage and hazy appearance that paired well with the running themes of comfort, memory and nostalgia. It was a challenge for me to get the work to harmonise as a finished product but I think I have achieved that here. 
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