survey response

This is a heavily sensory narrative, with smells tastes and feeling all rolled into one fond memory of Grandma. The taste of white chocolate and Shloer, the smell of them in the fridge, and the cold tile beneath bare feet. Grandma’s decadently naughty kitchen is a narrative I was looking forward to illustrating.

compositional sketches

I immediately gravitated towards the look and feel of a vintage kitchen, stereotypical “Grandma” but I think it suits the narrative. I instantly thought, ‘Smeg’ fridge (or something aesthetically similar), ditsy floral patterns, pastel colours. 
Continuing with the profile of introducing items as textures within the piece, a white chocolate “tiled” floor came to mind, combining the cold tile floor with the taste and smell of the indulgent white chocolate. To integrate the Shloer into this in an innovative way I was thinking along the lines of a light fixture with bottles, a series of hanging lights, or a chandelier perhaps? Hopefully these aspects are bold enough to tie the narrative together.

"Grandma’s Kitchen” sketch

I decided upon a vintage colour scheme of cream, pink and sage green. I think that this piece works well and that the textures of the chocolate and Shloer comes through strongly here.

"Grandma’s Kitchen” Final Piece

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