The media I would have liked to use for this project would have been intaglio or dry-point etching to reflect the popular use of woodblock printing to illustrate witchcraft. Unfortunately, due to the COVID crisis there wasn’t enough time to set up an induction to use the materials and I wasn’t able to pursue this.
However, I still wanted to echo the traditional printmaking technique, so I decided upon mono printing, and I was able to continue doing this work while working from home once University closed.

I then created a series of mono prints in response to my research into the characterisation of witches and the methods of witch identification in the Stuart era.
Below is a gallery of my mono prints. Click to enlarge and swipe through at your leisure.

I enjoy the texture that the mono prints give my illustrations and the atmosphere that the ink creates. I decided upon mono printing because this method pairs well with the subject matter of the text and will create a harmonious overall theme for the final outcome.
My next step for this project was to create a body of informative writing for my topic detailing witch identification and pair my illustrations suitably within the text.